Wii Fit, Day 7

My wife and I purchased a notebook computer from Best Buy in Feb. 2009. (No, the title of this post wasn’t a typo or an incorrect paste; this is relevant.) One year, 3 months, and 10 (yes, ten) phone calls to Reward Zone support later, I finally received the long overdue Reward Zone certificates last month (May). Since I am currently unemployed and since most items of interest at Best Buy cost significantly more than the total value of the certificates, I had decided to watch sale bills until something inexpensive struck my fancy.

I had also been eyeing Wii Fit for a few months, but the $90 price point delayed the purchase. (You can probably guess where this is going.) After confirming that Wii Fit was not on sale at any reseller, either online or B&M (brick and mortar), my wife and I decided to purchase the exergaming megahit.

We brought the Wii Fit bundle, complete with Balance Board, home last Friday. I read the manual and set up the Balance Board later the same night; my wife and I started our Wii Fit journey the next day.

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Do Want: Magical Drop sequel on Nintendo DS

I was set to write this long, drawn-out rant about how perfectly the Magical Drop series of puzzle games would translate to the touchscreen controls of the Nintendo DS, when I discovered that Craig Grannell of Revert to Saved had beat me to it with his article Ripe for remake: Magical Drop III. Posted last July, the article explains why the time is ripe for another Magical Drop game.

It seems G-mode, current holder of the Magical Drop series licensing rights, agreed and released a Magical Drop game for Android phones on May 15. It’s unclear whether or not G-mode plans to develop and release further titles in the series as their web site reports the company is actively seeking to “license out Data East’s properties” (Magical Drop and NES classic Bad Dudes included).

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Bubble Bobble final boss battle and Happy End

Inspired by the recent release of Bubble Bobble Plus (and the game’s conspicuous lack of a save or password system), I decided a few days ago to play through the NES version of Bubble Bobble again on the Wii Virtual Console. After completing the game’s regular mode, I played through the more challenging Super Bubble Bobble mode and completed that as well.

I sat down tonight to repeat the final boss battle and have included a recording of the fight, along with the full “Happy End,” after the break.

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Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service – Lei Lei v. Morrigan

Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service for the Dreamcast is one of my favorite puzzle games of all time. It’s unfortunate the best iteration of the game never saw a stateside release, but thanks to Sega designing the Dreamcast hardware without region locking, my friends and I have enjoyed countless hours of puzzle mayhem with our favorite chibi characters.

Past the break, I’ve embedded three selected rounds of puzzle battle between myself (playing as Lei Lei) and my wife (playing as Morrigan) past the break. All three videos are also available in HD quality; visit my Youtube Channel for the relevant links.

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City Connection – I Stepped On the Cat

One of my favorite video game-related memories is playing City Connection and hearing my mother laugh when my in-game car would hit a cat, which would be sent flying diagonally off-screen. (The irony is that my mother has had at least one cat since before I was born and, along with my father, taught me to take good care of pets.) The expression on the cat’s face, combined with the comical music that played immediately after the collision, must have made an impression on her because she’s asked about “that game with the cat flying across the screen” on more than one occasion.

While reading Wikipedia today, I learned more about that classic scene:

Other enemies include a cat, which, when hit, causes the player to lose an extra life as the cat goes diagonally off the screen (but does not cause the car to “explode”) with ‘Der Flohwalzer’ played as a comical music (this famous music piece is know in Japan as ‘Neko funjatta’ (I Stepped on the Cat)).

Source: City Connection – Wikipedia

As a tribute to the video games I played during my childhood and to my mother, I’ve recorded in-game footage of City Connection for my first “official” gameplay video. Click past the break to view the short video.

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